Wednesday, January 26, 2011


havent been on here for a while and I figured since i have free wifi again i would put something up.

So we left a town called Guiones and now we are in Santa Taresa. I learned so much in regards to surfing in Guiones, I can get up almost every time and i am working on catching a real wave and actually carving the wave (wish me luck). Everyone is still getting along very well, there is this girl that I kinda have my eye on but thats about as far as its goin at this point just cause i have to figure some stuff out at home first. I kinda miss home thought some things more than others (i.e. my car,snowboard)
Hopefully I will have some time to post up some photo's on my fliker from the trip soon since we will have the most down time here.
Well I'm hungry and tired and I need to go eat some more amazing food.

Pura Vida

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