Monday, January 31, 2011

Last few days

Is the third lasts and we left Santa Teresa for Tamarindo and the last days of the trip. Over all
this trio has been amazing a few bumps like any trip but all the people are still friends no crazy drama, not to stoked to go home and have to deal with the shit that started before I left. Oh well it's all gonna be done quick so I fan get on and try and have a decent birthday (fingers crossed).

Well I don't have Internet anymore so I'll actually post this later.

Pura Vida

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Location:160,,Costa Rica

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Last day in Santa Teresa

Soooooo stoked caught a real wave today and had an amazing day I've all. Went for breakfast with this girl ;-) and it's gonna be a good night of drinking again and goin out on the town.

All in all this trip has been one of the most amazing things I've done in my late and put alot of things in perspective for me. When I arrive back In the frigid north I will be a new man.

Maybe I'll oust something tomorrow if I survive tonight lol.

Pura Vida

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Location:160,,Costa Rica

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Same old same old

This is gonna be a quick one since I was already on here today. Just a reminder to all if you wanna go do something don't let other peoples perception of a situation make you change tour mind. Do what YOU want to do and all will work out.

Pura Vida

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Late Night travels

So last night we all decide to drink and it's goin pretty good till one girl leaves with her friend that lives here and doesn't tell anyone where they were goin. So after about a half hour I finally realize she may have to walk back alone in a strange country in the semi dark me and my buddy start walking to all the bars to find her. On the way there we meet some people that were on our plane from Huston to Liberia. We walked with them for a bit but then they turned off. We then continued to 3 bars and could not find her. We had just mad a final passé and had starred to turn back when we saw he and her friend coming into town. They had been at a different bar that we didn't know about.

After we had found her dropped of her friend and walked back to the hostel / hotel we ran into a girl in a towel asking if we saw her boyfriend and if it was ok to walk into town ( it was like 3 am ) we replied no but she still went and the we shuffled into bed.

Just a other drunken night in paradise..

Pura Vida

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Friday, January 28, 2011

Hammock time

I'm just sitting in paradise chillin in a hammock relaxing before dinner with a good friend some tunes and some ice cold coke in a bottle, life can't get any better than this.

This trip has mad me really put slot of things in perspective and really help me calm down. All the people here are so sweet and the climate is great and I'm just stoked I got this opportunity.

When I get home I'm gonna have many good stories and slot of new friends. Well I'm gonna get off this thing and go socialize do I'll catch y'all later.

Pura Vida

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Location:160,,Costa Rica

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


havent been on here for a while and I figured since i have free wifi again i would put something up.

So we left a town called Guiones and now we are in Santa Taresa. I learned so much in regards to surfing in Guiones, I can get up almost every time and i am working on catching a real wave and actually carving the wave (wish me luck). Everyone is still getting along very well, there is this girl that I kinda have my eye on but thats about as far as its goin at this point just cause i have to figure some stuff out at home first. I kinda miss home thought some things more than others (i.e. my car,snowboard)
Hopefully I will have some time to post up some photo's on my fliker from the trip soon since we will have the most down time here.
Well I'm hungry and tired and I need to go eat some more amazing food.

Pura Vida

Saturday, January 22, 2011

On rout to Costa Tica

DAY Twoooooo

So I wake p early this morning to see get ready to leave early and go to the second destination and i go in to grab a show and what do i find but a small crab in there just chillin. If i wasn't paying attention I probably could of stepped on the little guy lol. Well after that wake up I'm read to go may hit the beach go for a walk and grab some breakfast and then we'll be on our way, hopefully today will be as fun a day as yesterday and the days to come.

Pura Vida

Friday, January 21, 2011

First full day in

super sotked having a good time, making good friend and sharing some good stories, hopefully this continues. So this is sweet and everything but i cant stope thinking about whats goin on back home. As much as i want to not think about it and just relax and not worry, well that hasn't worked. I dont like what im gonna  come home to and i dont know what to do. Met this really sweet girl that kinda makes me think twice about alot of stuff and just makes this trip worth it just to meet her.

After all the shit i left behind and all the shit im stick and tired of i think i just wannna come home and be me,  like no changing for other poeople and no sacrificing what I want to make other people happy. I have learned alot about myself and I like it so far. For those of you back in Canada, hope the weather isn't to bad and you not having to bad of a time.

Be back soon
Pura Vida

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

This is getting out of hand

I wish i could leave on a trip and not have this shit happen lol, I think it will be a change for a real change. You can only take things for so long.

On a good note I'm leaving tomorrow, and I'm not gonna be worrying about alot of shit like that.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

second thoughts

Two days before my trip now and I'm kinda getting a bit worried to leave. I think its cause I'm excited/cautious. At the same time I think its just that I don't know whats gonna happen and how I'm thinking how I have to watch how I interact with people so when I come back I can still have a normal life.

Im probably making a bigger deal than I should but I just dont wanna go on this trip and think I didn't do everything i could of and i dont wanna have to censor/hold back on doing what I want.

Well two days left before I get this show on the road so I guess we'll see

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Packing Done

Just finished packing. So ready to get outta here, lots to think about when I'm away but mostly just tine to have a good time.

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Time to jump on the band wagon

So this is my first blog ... Yeeeeee. This is basically gonna be about my trip to Costa Rica and maybe some stuff after but we'll see.